Find out the top 3 things your pet rabbit needs in his diet!
Best Update On Oliver Yet!
Cataract Update!
CBD Oil & Pets: Update On Oliver
Both of my rabbits have been taking CBD oil for the last 6 months now (1 drop in the morning, 1 drop at night), and they both love it now! If I put a drop on a Cheerio, that is the first Cheerio to be eaten. It’s like they know how good it is for their little bodies.
While I have not seen Oliver’s cataracts diminish, I have noticed one eye seems to be a bit clearer than it was. He has a lot of energy, and his arthritis no longer seems to bother him. He’s doing great for a 6 year old bunny! I’m still hopeful his cataracts will diminish over time.
I also give CBD oil to both of my rabbits to help with their overall health. It is ideal to rub the oil on their gums, but I realize not all animals make that easy to do (which is why I put it on my rabbits’ food). Simply ingesting the oil does not allow for full absorption like rubbing it on their gums does. My cats also get the oil, and I will put a drop on their nose to lick off whenever I can get them to hold still. As you can imagine, dogs are much easier to give it to!
The CBD oil I use is Zilis UltraCell - it’s certified USDA organic (NO chemicals!), with no more than 0.3% THC (THC is not needed, it’s the CBD that has the biggest benefit), and is tested by the Mayo Clinic for 85-94% absorbability. Most importantly, it’s perfectly safe for your pets! Every other brand I’ve seen so far has at least 0.3% THC, not always organic, and they are only 3-6% absorbable. So make sure you are not wasting your money!
Please feel free to contact me if you would like to know more about Zilis UltraCell and how you can get it at wholesale ($90/bottle). You can order online, but only at retail ($140 - $150/ 1 ml bottle). Here’s a little more info from the top vet in the U.S. on using UltraCell for your pets:
Until next time, friends!