4 Things To Do With Your Rabbit When You're Housebound

Many of us (though certainly not all - shout out to medical professionals, food industry workers, government workers and others who keep our society going!) are housebound right now. If you are among the housebound, my guess is your pets are loving having around more often!

So to make the most of your time at home with your bunny, here are 4 things you can do with him to strengthen your bond and give your bun enriching experiences.

  1. Play with your rabbit.

    This could be as simple as setting or stacking rabbit-safe toys in front of your bun and let her fling it away. It’s the game that never gets old, because it’s so cute! Or you can play a little game of hide and seek - most rabbits enjoy chasing/hiding games.

    Sometimes it’s nice for you and your rabbit to just lay on the floor with him and let him explore you - he might hop all over you, lick your feet, explore your hair; it’s a bonding experience!

  2. Take your rabbit outside.

    If the weather is nice enough, spending time outside is great for you and your rabbit! To keep your bun safe outside, you should stay with him at all times to protect against hawks or predators. You also don’t want your curious bun hopping off and getting lost. If you have a fenced in yard, it is still wise to stay with your rabbit to protect against birds of prey.

    If you don’t have a fenced in yard, you can get a special outdoor pen or a harness to put on your bun. Just make sure he has plenty of shade and water if it’s hot out.

    Another option is to get a special pet stroller and take your bun for walks around the neighborhood!

  3. Teach your rabbit tricks.

    You will need lots of healthy bunny treats for this.

    Rabbits are extremely smart and can get bored easily (which can lead to bunstruction*), so teaching them tricks is a great way to challenge and nurture their little minds. One of my readers told me how she has taught her rabbit dozens of tricks, and she even moved on to dog tricks because her bun is so smart and full of energy!

    As I am not a professional (yet) at teaching my rabbits tricks, I found this great little tutorial for how you can begin teaching your bun. Let me know how it goes in the comments or by sending me a quick note!

    *Bunstruction - when a rabbit destroys something out of boredom. This could be anything from a cardboard box to the wood trim in your hallway.

  4. Create spaces your rabbit can explore and play in.

    Rabbits love to forage, so I typically have a box of shredded paper with treats in it for mine to play in. I also bought a large cardboard tube that’s used for concrete that they love to use as a tunnel.

    If you’re the crafty type, you can always build your bun a fort or maze out of cardboard that he can explore and hide in. You can even hide treats or toys throughout! If you’re not the crafty type (like me), then here are some options on Amazon:

What do you like to do with your bunny when you’re home? Tell me about it in the comments below!