I have now had two cats and two rabbits for 7 years, and it has been generally harmonious. Both of my cats are actually a little afraid of the rabbits (both of whom seem to have no fear of the cats). Oliver and Milo (my large tabby) used to (very gently) play when Oliver was younger - it was the cutest thing! I hope they will play again once Oliver’s cataracts continue to break down.
What this really comes down to if you are planning to introduce a free-roaming bun into your home and you have a cat or two, consider the cat’s temperament. Is the cat a ‘hunter’? Will she bring you dead things? Does she show aggressive behavior toward you or other animals? If you answer yes to these questions about your cat, it would be best to keep your bun separate from your cat or make sure they are closely supervised if in the same room together.
It’s possible your cat may be fine with your bun for whatever reason, but sometimes instinct can kick in for certain cats, and the last thing you want is for your cat to bite your rabbit. Rabbit skin is extremely thin, so it doesn’t take much for it to be punctured, especially by a cat’s sharp teeth. Cat saliva is generally lethal to rabbits because it contains so much bacteria.
I know of a house rabbit that got chased and bitten on the ears by the cat she lived with when they were left unattended. The owner returned to find the rabbit hiding and panicked. The owner soothed the rabbit and cleaned her very superficial wounds, but the rabbit was found dead in her cage the next morning. :( Not only is being chased and attacked by a cat extremely stressful for a rabbit, but it is often deadly.
So if you aren’t sure if your cat can be trusted around your bun, keep them separate when you are not directly present with your rabbit. This same advice is true for dogs as well.
Now, if your rabbit does ever experience a cat bite, it’s crucial to get him to your bunny vet right away so that he can get an antibiotic shot to prevent infection and death from the cat’s saliva.
I know this post is a little morbid, but I believe it’s important to share wisdom! I promise the next post will be more upbeat. :)
Until next time!